Heritage Chair Caning, Inc.

Heritage Furniture Restoration and Chair Caning



....Prewoven Cane Also Known as Groove Type Cane Or Machine Cane


$3.00 per inch.

Prewoven Finished Product.

Our competitive Caning Prices are as follows:  


$3.00 per inch.


Chairs with rush seating need a protective covering like orange shellac. This is brushed on for $3.00 per chair.


Measure accross the widest place of the seat or back of the chair (outside edge to outside edge as illistrated by the red bar to the left) to determine the number of inches.


Most dining room chairs are about 15 inches. The estimated cost would be $37.50.

....Open Weave

....Hand Woven

$1.25 per hole

To estimate the cost of this type of caning. Count the number of drilled holes around the edge of the seat or back multiplied by $1.25 per hole.

Complete Refinishing

Wardrobes Buffets China Cabinets.......$300.00 to $375.00
Half Mantle...........$250.00
Full Mantel............$450.00
Upright Pianos.......$500.00
Baby Grand Piano...$900.00
Pie Safes & Antique Cabinets....$350
Washstands Dressers Beds Dinning Tables and other average sized pieces............$275.00 to $300.00
Small Tables Nightstands Coffee Tables Hope Chests............$100.00 to $150.00
Desks or secretary................$300.00
Shelf Units Book Cases..$250.00
Trunks......................$150 ..............Handles additonal $25
If furniture is painted add 50% to the cost.

Labor Cost For Repairs

..Shop labor is $50.00 per hour
..Shop minimum is $20.00
..Finishing inside of drawers is an extra cost when refinishing a piece of furniture.
..Veneer replacement and repair is done by the job. The veneer comes in 2x8 or 4x8 sheets, and the glue is  $9.00 a can. We price this type of repair by the labor cost per hour plus the amount of veneer and  glue used. For an example; an average dresser top replacement in oak would run $75.00-$100.00

..Gluing and tighting of chairs is priced by the hour of labor.

Pick-Up and Delivery Service Available  

0 - 50 mile radius.......$50.00
50 - 100 mile radius....$100.00
Plus fuel cost